26APR 2126APR 21

Disclosure – Tijara BOD meets in 02/05/2021

31MAR 2131MAR 21

AGM Outcome

16MAR 2116MAR 21

General Assembly will be held on 31/03/2021

10MAR 2110MAR 21

Results of Tijara BOD Meeting

07MAR 2107MAR 21

Disclosure – Tijara BOD meets in 10/03/2021

13JAN 2113JAN 21

Disclosure – Clarification from Tijara company regarding unusual trading (13-01-2021).

09NOV 2009NOV 20

Results of Tijara BOD Meeting

05NOV 2005NOV 20

Tijara BOD meets in 09/11/2020

13AUG 2013AUG 20

Disclosure - impact of events resulting from the spread of the new Corona virus on the financial statements

13AUG 2013AUG 20

Financial results for the period ended in 31/03/2020