Nominations and Remunerations Committee:

Number of meetings: once at least during a year.

Committee's authorities :

- Recommendation of nomination and re-nomination for the BOD members and the executive management.

- Developing a job description for the executive, non-executive and independent members.

- Annual review for the required needs from the appropriate skills to the membership of BOD and the executive management.

- Developing a policy for giving remunerations for the chairman and the BOD members.

- Developing a policy for giving remunerations for the executive management.

- Preparing a detailed report about all remunerations given to the BOD and the executive management to be presented to the company's general assembly.

Internal Audit Committee :

Number of meetings: four times at least during the year.

Committee's Authorities :

- Review the financial statements before its presentation to the BOD.

- Recommendation of appointing or re-appointing of auditors and determining their fees.

- Recommendation of appointing the manager of internal audit and evaluating his performance.

- Reviewing the results of control entities' reports.

- Reviewing the proposed transactions and dealings to be concluded by the company with relative parties.

- Assuring that the company complies with laws and systems.

Risk Management Committee :

Number of meetings: four times at least during a year.

Committee's Authorities:

- Preparing and reviewing the risk management's statements before approving them by the BOD.

- Reviewing the organizational structure of risk management and developing of recommendations regarding it before its approval.

- Assuring the independence of risk management's employees from the activities which expose the company for risks.

- Preparing the periodical reports about the nature of risks which the company faces.

Reviewing the matters raised by the audit committee which may affect risk management.