02NOV 1502NOV 15

AGM of Tijara & Real Estate Investment convened today 02/11/2015

28OCT 1528OCT 15

Tijara achieves KD 639 thousand for the first 9 months ending 30/09/2015

27OCT 1527OCT 15

Tijara BOD convenes today to discuss the financial data of 30/9/2015

27OCT 1527OCT 15

Tijara achieves KD 639 thousand for the first 9 months ending 30/09/2015

26OCT 1526OCT 15

Tijara BOD convenes tomorrow to discuss the financial data of 30/9/2015

28SEP 1528SEP 15

Tijara & Real Estate Investment General Assembly Meeting on 02/11/2015

14JUL 1514JUL 15

Tijara Achieves KD 477 thousand for the 6 months ending 30/6/2015

13JUL 1513JUL 15

Tijara BOD convene today to discuss the data for 30/6/2015

09JUL 1509JUL 15

Tijara BOD convene on 13/07/2015 to discuss the data for 30/6/2015

28APR 1528APR 15

Tijara achieves KD 76 thousand for the 3 months ending 31/3/2015