02MAY 1802MAY 18

Tijara- Complementary disclosure for financial statements of first quarter

01MAY 1801MAY 18

Tijara- Financial statements for the period ended 31/03/2018

29APR 1829APR 18

Tijara- BOD meets on 01/05/2018

08MAR 1808MAR 18

Tijara- Confirmation of shares entitlement Disclosure form of Confirmation of shares entitlement for Tijara

06MAR 1806MAR 18

Results of Tijara General Assembly Meeting held on 06/03/2018 for the year ending 31/12/2017

27FEB 1827FEB 18

Reminder for Tijara AGM on 06/03/2018 and meeting agenda for the year ending 31/12/2017

19FEB 1819FEB 18

Announcement for Tijara AGM on 06/03/2018 and meeting agenda for the year ending 31/12/2017

08FEB 1808FEB 18

Tijara financial results for the year ending 31/12/2017

04FEB 1804FEB 18

Tijara announces it B.O.D meeting on 07/02/2018 to discuss the financial data of the year 2017.

19OCT 1719OCT 17

Tijara- Quarterly Financial Results (Tijara) for the period ended in 30 September 2017